Privacy and General Conditions of Use of the Restricted Area

Summary of the Privacy Policy and General Conditions of Use of the Restricted Area

This Policy provides for the right to privacy and general conditions of use of the Restricted Area, including levels of access permissions, by type of audience, as well as reaffirms i3Com's commitment and respect for its respective stakeholders, in preventing competition unfairness and compliance with Fiduciary Duty, which includes Transparency and Accountability. It should be noted that all content made available for consultation in the Restricted Area of the Website is protected by Brazilian law on Copyright (scientific, literary and artistic) and Industrial Property (trademarks and patents), these are governed respectively by Law 9.610/98 and Law 9,279/96; and, in addition, by the related laws of the country in which the Restricted Area of the Website is accessed. All reproduction rights are reserved, and the links set out here are not exhaustive or exhaustive. All material published in the Restricted Area of the Website, including documentation, presentations, reports, texts, videos, photographs, icons, graphics, logos and brands, constitute works duly certified as Intellectual Property. Consequently, any use, reproduction and/or propagation, in whole or in part, outside the conditions established in this Privacy Policy and General Conditions of Use of the Restricted Area is illegal, and the use and/or copying, even partial, of the its content and form.

This Privacy Policy and General Conditions of Use of the Restricted Area further reaffirms i3Com's commitment to the security and privacy of information collected from Registered Users. It covers the treatment given by i3Com to information that identifies Registered Users, included in the Company's database, upon registration. The request for access to the Restricted Area of the Website or spontaneous inclusion of your personal data, upon registration, constitutes “express consent” from the holder, an unequivocal expression of your desire to provide your personal data. This stance, adopted by i3Com, is in line with the prescriptions contained in Law 12,965/14, entitled “Marco Civil da Internet”; and in Law 13,709/18, entitled “General Data Protection Law” (LGPD). i3Com also works in line with the provisions contained in the European legislation of the “General Data Protection Regulation” (GDPR).

Once the express consent of the Registered User has been obtained, the subsequent processing of this data may be carried out for new purposes, provided that the legitimate and specific purposes for the new processing and the preservation of the holder's rights are observed. Consent to data processing may be revoked at any time, upon express statement by the holder, in access available on the Website.

The Registered User will have the right to obtain from i3Com, at any time, access to their registered data, to correct incomplete, inaccurate and outdated data.

i3Com will make every effort to protect the information provided by the Registered User. Although i3Com uses strict control and monitoring against unauthorized access to information, as recommended in the Information Security Management Policy and SGI, the Registered User recognizes that complete security cannot be expected in relation to invasion, theft, tampering or deletion of data and other unlawful acts.

All personal data collected will be incorporated into the i3Com database, which is the Controller of the processing of data that identifies Registered Users. The person responsible for processing personal data will be designated by i3Com and can be contacted directly via the following email address:

i3Com protects the information of Registered Users, through the use of approved and certified protection software available on the market, which is why it is not responsible for damages resulting from unauthorized access and/or use by third parties, whether intentional and/ or culpably.

i3Com uses the Restricted Area to inform the market about its organizational structure, operations and results achieved, among other information. Depending on access permission, each registered stakeholder will be able to access their respective documentation, presentations and/or reports.

Access to Registered Users' information is restricted to employees and people authorized for this purpose by i3Com, with all those to whom access is granted subject to i3Com's Secrecy and Confidentiality Policy, which imposes disciplinary and legal measures applicable to those who infringe. this Policy.

Unless there is a legal or judicial determination to do so, Registered Users' information will not be transferred to third parties and/or used for purposes other than those for which it was originally collected, except in the event of a change in the purposes mentioned here.

The Registered User guarantees the veracity and accuracy of their personal data, assuming corresponding responsibility if they are not accurate, as well as declaring that they know and accept the terms of this Policy.

It should be noted that this Privacy Policy and General Conditions of Use of the Restricted Area are subject to constant improvements and improvements. Therefore, it is recommended that you read it periodically. However, if any substantial change is necessary in the way the information collected is used, i3Com will inform the new conditions of use and privacy:

a) Upon notice or communication in the Restricted Area; or,
To Registered Users, by sending an email.

Below, you will find all the additional information necessary regarding this Privacy Policy and General Conditions of Use of the Restricted Area.


1.1. i3Com will adopt the guidelines listed below as references for its business management and development of specific policies:

1.1.1. Restricted area

The Restricted Area of the i3Com Website will operate as a private direct communication platform or network for the Company, based on internet protocols, for the exclusive use of the Company and restricted access to Registered Users.

1.1.2. Access to the Restricted Area

Access to the Restricted Area is exclusive to Registered Users, and it is necessary to have a valid login and password, a measure that ensures confidentiality and security. To access the Restricted Area, the Registered User must know and agree with all the terms of the “Privacy Policy and General Conditions of Use of the Restricted Area”. i3Com reserves the right to both establish and restrict access, including “access permissions”.

1.1.3. Passwords The registered user is responsible for all activities that occur using their account and for ensuring that no other person has access to their “Access Keys”. Unique identification names and passwords are used to authenticate access to the Restricted Area of the Website. Therefore, it is necessary for the registered user to ensure the confidentiality of their “Access Keys”. The registered user reserves the right to request account deactivation. i3Com is not responsible for any incorrect use of its tools.

1.1.4. Property right

The Registered User agrees that all content made available in the Restricted Area of the Website for consultation is protected by international laws on Copyright (scientific, literary and artistic) and Industrial Property (trademarks and patents), and, in addition, by related laws of the country of access to the Restricted Area of the Website. The Registered User may download documentation, presentations and reports onto their personal computer for later reading, but may not remove copyright identifying data from the material, nor may they copy any content not available for download. Consequently, any use, reproduction and/or propagation, in whole or in part, outside the conditions established in this Policy is illegal, and the use and/or copying, even partial, of its content and form is prohibited. i3Com reserves all rights contained in this Privacy Policy and General Conditions of Use of the Restricted Area.

1.1.5. Duty of Secrecy and Confidentiality

i3Com emphasizes that information classified as confidential and/or privileged may be made available in the Restricted Area of the Website, duly identified with tags and/or letterhead with the following names: “Confidential” or “Restricted Use”. In relation to such information, the most complete and absolute business, professional and/or personal confidentiality must be maintained, by you and your subordinates, managers, collaborators and/or any others linked to them, within the strict scope of the purpose for which this information was transmitted and intended, and may not, under any pretext, be used for its own purposes and/or those of third parties, disclosed, reproduced, sold for any reason, given as collateral, transferred, sold or made known to third parties, in a directly or indirectly, including after termination of relations with i3Com, for any period.

1.1.6. Information to be Preserved

The information to be treated confidentially and preserved in its entirety is that considered within the scope of i3Com and which, by its nature, is not or should not be used and/or known to third parties, in accordance with i3Com's Secrecy and Confidentiality Policy .

1.1.7. Regulatory Laws

When accessing the Restricted Area of the Website, the Registered User may not, in order to excuse themselves from compliance, claim ignorance of International and local Codes and Laws relating to Online Privacy issues.

1.1.8. Acceptance Procedure

By accessing the Restricted Area of the Website, the Registered User agrees to all the conditions of this Policy. This Privacy Policy and General Conditions of Use of the Restricted Area may be changed at any time, without prior notice, by i3Com. Continued access to the Restricted Area of the Website constitutes acceptance by the Registered User and agreement with the changes.

1.1.9. Exemption

Registered Users agree to defend, exempt and keep i3Com exempt from any accusations, actions or demands, indemnities and compensations resulting from a violation committed by them of this Privacy Policy and General Conditions of Use of the Restricted Area; assuming, in these cases, the status of “Primarily Responsible” for any damages resulting from their action and/or omission.

1.1.10. Complete Agreement

This Privacy Policy and General Conditions of Use of the Restricted Area, together with the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use of the Website, constitute the entire agreement between the Registered User and i3Com.

1.1.11. Information Collected from Registered Users

Access to information in the Restricted Area of the Website requires prior registration, which includes personal information, such as full name, email, address, telephone/cell phone, date of birth and gender, some of which are mandatory and others are optional. 1.1.12. Other information

Additional information may be requested from the Registered User after initial registration of their data; if you want to obtain additional permissions, among other requests.

1.1.13. Use of the Restricted Area

The use of the Restricted Area by the Registered User is non-transferable, that is, it can only be used by him, and the sharing of the identification name (login) and access password is strictly prohibited.

1.1.14. Access Permission Levels

i3Com uses exclusive access permission levels for each type of interested audience, in accordance with the Results and Information Disclosure Policy.

1.1.15. Content and Applicability

The Restricted Area of the i3Com Website may be customized, taking into account the Registered User's access permission level. Access to this content will be used to inform the market about its management and economic, financial, social and environmental results achieved, as well as for purposes related to the incorporation, preservation and optimization of the “Economic Value” of the Company and its assets: Capitals Financial , Intellectual, Human, Social, Environmental, Reputational and Relational. It will also be used to centralize documents, forms and information, with its applicability not being exhaustive and/or exhaustive.

1.1.16. General Policies i3Com's Information Security and SGI Management Policy ensures the protection of user registration data against unauthorized access, improper use, alterations, accidental or illegal destruction and accidental losses. i3Com legally protects user information by signing an express commitment from its employees and other authorized persons who have access to or who will be associated with the processing of their data; so that they respect your privacy, through a “proper term”. i3Com's Information Security and SGI Management Policy complies with internationally recognized technical standards and good practices.

1.1.17. Privacy Issues

For privacy issues, suggestions or questions, i3Com asks the Registered User to contact the following email address:


On April 30, 2022, i3Com published the first version of its Privacy Policy and General Conditions of Use of the Restricted Area. To this end, i3Com suggests that all interested parties read this Policy, in order to avoid being unaware of it. The use of the Restricted Area of the Website means that the Registered User agrees with the published version of this document.