

Lasting Relationships

A i3com promotes integrity and transparency in relationships with its Stakeholders, by reporting on its organizational structure and administration and economic, financial, social and environmental results achieved.

About the Restricted Area

The Restricted Area of i3com operates as a private direct communication platform or network, also called Extranet, based on internet protocols, for the exclusive use of the Company and restricted/exclusive access to Stakeholders registered. Depending on the registered user's level of access permission, it provides protected information, much of it classified as confidential and/or privileged.

Restricted Area Request

Before requesting access to the restricted area of the i3com, through the direct communication channel available on this Website, we suggest reading the Privacy Policy and General Conditions of Use of the Restricted Area in advance. Using the Restricted Area means that the Stakeholder registered person agrees with the published version of this document.

Access the simplified version of Privacy Policy and General Conditions of Use of the Restricted Area.


Restricted area

Choose one of the options below by clicking on the company you are interested in.