
Visual identity
Web site


Sector: Energy

Company: Quattrum

Slogan: The Future Energy Today


  • Brand Universe – Brand Positioning; Brand Design; Product Design; Atmosphere and Wear Marketing.
  • Universo Comunicação – Institutional Website; extranet; Social Media Marketing; Immersive Content.
  • Business Universe – Growth Marketing; Customer Journey.

Sector: Energy

Company: Quattrum

Slogan: The Future Energy Today


  • Brand Universe – Brand Positioning; Brand Design; Product Design; Atmosphere and Wear Marketing.
  • Universo Comunicação – Institutional Website; extranet; Social Media Marketing; Immersive Content.
  • Business Universe – Growth Marketing; Customer Journey.

Developing the Pillars and

Exploring the Communication

A project that required many specificities due to the magnitude of its proposal. The entire visual identity, identity on social networks, website, extranet was developed, as well as the entire sales structure with CRM integration, creation of layouts for operational and commercial headquarters and sales units.

Brand: Visual communication, based on the creation and development of visual identity (brand, logo, slogan and supporting elements), advertising materials and integrated marketing and communication campaigns in different channels (website, social networks and ADS) and internal marketing, based on use of storytelling, impactful designs, engaging content and unconventional approaches to attract and engage the target audience, generating fascination and desire for the brand.

Communication: Development of institutional website, commercial landing pages and extranet with login access, access permission levels, access reports, among others), information security, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), integration with the main advertising platforms and links access; combined with the best browsing experience for the user, in different environments. Automation of service and sales pipeline (capture and qualification of leads) and post-sales automation of remarketing), sending messages and increasing LTV, according to the implementation of a virtual assistant with artificial intelligence.

Business: Integration of marketing processes with a focus on sales (lead nurturing and conversion, paid media management (ADS) and BI Creation), according to the implementation of marketing strategies Inbound Marketing and sales and after-sales system automation tools, based on Big Data, Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.