Oakpar Foundation

Visual identity
Web site


Sector: Third sector

Company: Oakpar Foundation

Slogan: For a Better World


  • Brand – Brand Positioning; Brand Design; Product Design; Atmosphere and Wear Marketing.
  • Comunicação – Website Institucional; Blog Coorporativo; Extranet; Marketing de Conteúdo, Marketing de Mídia Social.
  • Business – Growth Marketing.

Sector: Third sector

Company: Oakpar Foundation

Slogan: For a Better World


  • Brand – Brand Positioning; Brand Design; Product Design; Atmosphere and Wear Marketing.
  • Comunicação – Website Institucional; Blog Coorporativo; Extranet; Marketing de Conteúdo, Marketing de Mídia Social.
  • Business – Growth Marketing.

Developing the Pillars and

Exploring the Communication

A project that required many specificities due to the magnitude of its proposal. The entire visual identity, identity on social networks, website and extranet was developed.

Brand Design: Visual communication, based on the creation and development of visual identity (brand, logo, slogan and supporting elements), advertising materials and integrated marketing and communication campaigns in different channels (website, social networks and ADS) and internal marketing, based on use of storytelling, impactful designs, engaging content and unconventional approaches to attract and engage the target audience, generating fascination and desire for the brand.

UI & UX Design: Development of institutional website and extranet with login access, access permission levels, access reports, among others), information security, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), integration with the main advertising platforms and access links; combined with the best browsing experience for the user, in different environments.